Dragon Ball Online - Online RPGs with storylines and characters based on the popular Japanese manga Dragon Ball (Dragon Ball) associated with the childhood of many generations and still attract young present day. Join the world Dragon Ball Online and would have the same view of what awaits you in the game.
You will choose according planet, Earth, Na Xay MEC or leather? Tribe Warrior Blend skin with awesome power, the Earth physically strong, who Na MEC with resilience rated amazing, what would be the most appropriate place for you? Join the game you will transform into their favorite character, with passionate strength that evil-minded than killing time protect our planet as well as your loved ones before the forces of evil. The journey looking Dragon Ball and fight the villains have started in your own hands.
Let's fight to protect our planet!
Gather strength in Dragon Ball!
With the guidance of our forbearers, and the efforts of ourselves, the player can reach the awesome power, become the superior fighter. Also you will not have to fight alone when surrounded by like-minded militants, and support each other against the forces of evil. The journey looking dragons and become the legendary warrior is endless.
The other fighters in the game always with you!
You're not alone in the battle!