Game Adventures in the world of detective gorgeous and mysterious. In a large urban center, named Harbridge, the daily killings still occur regularly. The capital is loved for its ability to break the mystery, friend Errol Chadwick, chief inspector of the security forces city, urged people to help them with the investigation of this case. Again, this is an opportunity to prove their skills and live up to your expectations of the chief inspector. Can you?
Join the chief inspector and expert Errol Chadwich disease research Elizibeth Stride when you try to solve the mystery of two bodies at the Henson, which was the residence of the famous family across the country. Some errors will definitely be found and this game need your detective skills to help connect the tracks together and solve the case.
- Gameplay fascinating detective adventure.
- Illustrations and animations artistic tradition.
- Sounds magical and space.
- Unique characters to interact with over 100 keywords to build all the questions in fantasy.
- 50 interactive objects provide the basic information for your case.
- Over 3 hours of conversation to 9 characters.