What if you saw more smiles and less frowns when you ask your child, What happened in school today? Your child spends a lot of time in school, interacting with teachers, friends and classmates and in turn, has many thoughts about the things (situations) that happen in the classroom (e.g. The teacher didn't call on me so I know she doesn't think I'm smart), in the lunchroom (e.g. Susan didn't save me a seat because no one likes me.) and on the playground (e.g. Brian didn't pick me to be on his team so I know that I must be a horrible baseball player.). Look again at these examples and you will see that each situation is followed by a thought. In these examples, each thought is irrational.
On Second Thought: From Iffy to Witty Thoughts (OST) is a program for children ages 8-12 that teaches these widely accepted principles and much more in a kid-friendly way. Using comically illustrated idioms, that are couched in interactive activities and real-life stories, your child becomes aware that his/her first thought might not be the best choice. Discover the apps built to coincide perfectly with the OST program.