Found 927 application with keyword have up for iPad....
Trillian for iOS 2.1.9 - Multi- platform chat application for iPhone / iPad
- Publisher: Trillian
- Trillian for iOS , Trillian app for iOS is interesting chat , high quality and totally free on devices iPhone , iPad or iPod Touch .
- Version: 2.1.9
- Capacity: 17,3 MB
- Request: iOS 4.3 or later
- Search More: Trillian for iPhone , download Trillian for iPhone
- FREE Free
- Downlonad
fring for iOS - free video calls on the iPhone / iPad
- Publisher: fring
- fring for iOS , fring for iOS communication channel is improved , convenient and free on devices iPhone , iPad or iPod Touch .
- Version:
- Capacity: 13 MB
- Request: iOS 5.0 or later
- Search More: fring application for iOS free calls , free video calls
- FREE Free
- Downlonad
Smart Office for Good ( iOS ) 2.0.18 - office application for iPhone / iPad
- Publisher: Picsel
- Smart Office for Good ( iOS ) , Smart Office for Good for iOS is a free office application and utility for iPhone , iPad and iPod Touch .
- Version: 2.0.18
- Capacity: 25,3 MB
- Request: iOS 4.3 or later
- Search More: Download Smart Office for Good , download Smart Office for Good
- FREE Free
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Nimbuzz Messenger for iOS 4.0.0 - Software chat for free on the iPhone / iPad
- Publisher: Nimbuzz
- Nimbuzz Messenger for iOS , Nimbuzz Messenger for iOS app is fun and chat for free on devices iPhone , iPad and iPod Touch .
- Version: 4.0.0
- Capacity: 26,2 MB
- Request: iOS 6.0 or later
- Search More: chatting with friends , online
- FREE Free
- Downlonad
ICQ for iOS 5.6.2 - Messages Free video calling on the iPhone / iPad
- Publisher: ICQ
- ICQ for iOS , ICQ for iOS provides users with devices iPhone , iPad or iPod Touch a messaging service and free phone calls , utilities .
- Version: 5.6.2
- Capacity: 24 MB
- Request: iOS 7.0 or later
- Search More: ICQ for iOS, t?i ICQ for iOS
- FREE Free
- Downlonad
IOS 3.4.6 PhotoWonder - free photo editing on iPhone / iPad
- Publisher: Beijing Baidu Netcom
- PhotoWonder for iOS, the app for iOS PhotoWonder photo editing and best popular on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch with a range of image processing features professional.
- Version: 3.4.6
- Capacity: 94,5 MB
- Request: iOS 6.0 trở lên
- Search More: PhotoWonder, Photowonder for iOS
- FREE Free
- Downlonad
Camera360 Ultimate for iOS 7.0.3 - Applications selfie leading photography on the iPhone / iPad
- Publisher: PinGuo
- Camera360 Ultimate for iOS, Camera360 Ultimate app for iOS is take a selfie photography popular on mobile, allowing capture the perfect portrait photos, edit photos or images easily grafted on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.
- Version: 7.0.3
- Capacity: 61,2 MB
- Request: iOS 7.0 trở lên
- Search More: Camera360 Ultimate, Camera360
- FREE Free
- Downlonad
Colors Pro free for iOS 2.5 - image editing tool for the iPhone / iPad
- Publisher: Happio Workshop
- Colors Pro free for iOS, Colors Pro Free is a professional photo editing tools Photoshop equally.
- Version: 2.5
- Capacity: 5,6 MB
- Request: iOS 3.2 or later
- Search More: tools, photo editing
- FREE Free
- Downlonad
FotoRus for iOS 6.7 - Multifunction Photo editing on iPhone / iPad
- Publisher: Fotoable
- FotoRus for iOS , FotoRus program for iOS is free image editing and multi-functional on iPhone , iPad and iPod Touch . FotoRus support take a selfie photo editing , collage , decorated with stickers image , insert text into the photo ... on the user interface simple and intuitive .
- Version: 6.7
- Capacity: 64,7 MB
- Request: iOS 6.1 trở lên
- Search More: FotoRus , photo editing app for iOS multifunctional
- FREE Free
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Instagram for iOS 7:11 - Network sharing photos and video on iPhone / iPad
- Publisher: Instagram
- Instagram for iOS , Instagram for iOS is a social networking and video sharing beautiful images , the most popular in the mobile user community with art image filters , image processing tools and the ability to interact strongly .
- Version: 7.11
- Capacity: 22,2 MB
- Request: iOS 7.0 trở lên
- Search More: Instagram for ios , sharing photos
- FREE Free
- Downlonad
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