Broadcast continuously for 10 years, "Chasing image capture words" is considered the gameshow with longest broadcast time, increasingly attracting attention, loved by the audience and won many awards during the Festival TV.
Each program has 2 players, won the right answer by pressing the bell. The task of the player is to look at a picture and think of a word, phrase, a proverb, idiom, folk, name a song, a movie ...
- Improvisation: There are 10 pieces corresponding to 10 drawings. The drawings appear not themed. Each contestant can reply only one single time.
- By topic: the drawings follow a certain theme.
- Countdown: The image appears simultaneously countdown clock time. Replies in seconds how many will gain some points, respectively. As soon as more score. Especially these contestants have the right to ring the bell until the right answer.
- Super Speed: Who reach higher points after 3 rounds will go through to the loop.