DriverEasy is automatically detected application, backup the drivers installed on your computer and download and install the missing driver. With the support of more than 8,000,000 database driver, DriverEasy will ensure all drivers on the computer are updated to maximize computer performance.
Download DriverEasy - Automatically install drivers for quick computer.
Thanks to own an intuitive interface that even when you start the program, you can see the information related to the system such as OS, RAM, processor, motherboard and computer. Therefore, please download Easy Driver to update the driver for the computer continuously offline!
- Fixing 404 errors while downloading some drivers
Uninstall hardware drivers removed
When replacing the graphics card, you know Windows retains your old driver or not? And will restart it with Windows. This will make the system boot slowed, in some cases can cause system conflicts. DriverEasy lets you uninstall hardware removed to clean up the system quickly.
The optimal solution for driver
DriverEasy is designed to help users quickly and easily identify the driver of the unknown devices and update the latest driver version. Moreover, you can make a backup, restore and uninstall drivers while ensuring safety for drivers.
Intelligent Auto Install
This feature allows users to install the driver automatically, even help you extract, analyze and install it. What you need to do is click your mouse once or twice.
Download Windows Update Faster
Let's start from DriverEasy 4.0, allows you to download and install Windows Update faster than ever.
Updating existing drivers
With a data base updated daily driver, your system will improve performance, fix the problems caused to the computer blue screen and more advanced features by installing the drivers Latest.
Backup and Restore Driver
You do not have to worry if you accidentally lose driver disk. DriverEasy can backup the current driver is installed, you can restore it after reloading the system. This is a useful feature if you are not sure about the compatibility of new drivers to the system, you can back up the existing drivers and reinstall it later.
DriverEasy consume a moderate amount of system resources, it works smoothly, but sometimes it can take a relatively long time period to load the driver (depending on the volume of data to download).
In summary, DriverEasy help you find the missing drivers, download and install them on your PC with just a few clicks. No additional effort while ensuring drivers are always updated on the latest version.
System Requirements
- Processor type: Pentium III or higher
- RAM: 128MB
- Free disk space: 25MB
- Internet connection
- .Net Framework 2.0
More information about DriverEasy
Step 1: Download and install DriverEasy . Then, launch it and click Scan Now .
Step 2: Driver Easy will scan your computer and list any hardware or driver is missing, outdated or inappropriate. Then click Get Drivers .
Step 3: Driver Easy will list all the drivers that you need, then click Download All .
Step 4: Once the driver is downloaded, click Install next to each driver.