Previously, the Vietnamese want to type on the Mac OS, we have Apple's IME default is English. Percussion relatively stable, but there are some errors as underlined word, using the arrow keys to move the cursor very time consuming than having to click twice and a number of other errors do photo little more to enjoy our work. gotiengviet by Tran Ky Nam can overcome most of that and bring more features to improve the speed of the user editor.
Interface Vietnamese percussion
Gotiengviet supports most common percussion far one of Vietnam, such as VNI, Telex, VIQR, VNI French-style keyboard.Especially, typing mode combines Telex, VNI and VIQR. This input method is convenient for me if I had to share a computer with multiple people with the habit of different keystroke. software also has features similar to unikey of windonws
- Many typing.
- Shortcuts.
- The selection spelling program.
- Multiple encoding.
- Transcoding text in the clipboard.
- Several possible shortcuts.
- Corrects common misspelling.
If a person requires high-quality writing, spelling closely with Vietnamese, the GTV provides uncheck the options bar. In addition the application also allows use of consonants like "dz, f, j, w, z", allowing the user dictionary to check spelling, allows typing some words in the language networks such as "uh , uhm, ah, ... "and manually adjust the common errors to us (for example, when you type" language ", GTV manually edit the" language "," understand "to" understand "). All are located in the "Spelling".
Settings for percussion Vietnamese
That last feature is the shortcut. All the features of the GTV can be triggered entirely by keyboard shortcuts, from the selection of percussion, tying for the selected encoding, remove from. Only the "Choices" is we have to use the mouse only. Some shortcuts can set as shortcuts to switch between typing English-Vietnamese, restore from that key applications were repaired, shortcuts to delete from. All of them have an intuitive interface and very easy to edit.