Found 1,173 application with keyword VTV Plus for Android....
Boat Browser Mini for Android 6.3 - High Speed Browser for Android
- Publisher: Digital Life International
- Boat Browser Mini for Android , Boat Browser Mini for Android is a simple web browser , easy to use and completely free so you can surf the web quickly on your Android device .
- Version: 6.3
- Capacity: 3,1 MB
- Request: Android 2.1 trở lên
- Search More: Boat Browser Mini For Android , download Boat Browser Mini For Android
- FREE Free
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Dolphin Browser Mini for Android - a better web browser for mobile phones
- Publisher: Dolphin Browser
- Dolphin Browser Mini for Android , Dolphin Browser Mini is a better browser for mobile phones , Android tablets older
- Version: N.A
- Capacity: 942 KB
- Request: Android
- Search More: Dolphin Browser Mini, Dolphin Browser Mini for Android 2.0.1
- FREE Free
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Boat Browser For Android - web browser for phones
- Publisher: Boat Browser
- Boat Browser For Android , Boat Browser is a simple web browser , easy to use and completely free so you can surf the web quickly on your Android device .
- Version: N/A
- Capacity: 1,9 MB
- Request: Android 2.1 and up
- Search More: Boat Browser 2.7 , Boat Browser For Android
- FREE Free
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Mundu Radio For Android - the radio program on the phone
- Publisher: Geodesic
- Mundu Radio For Android , Mundu Radio is software that allows you to listen to the radio program on your Android phone .
- Version: N/A
- Capacity: 3 MB
- Request: Android 1.6 and up
- Search More: Mundu Radio 2.0.29 , Mundu Radio For Android
- FREE Free
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Cool Browser for Android 1.6 - lightweight web browser on Android
- Publisher: Cool Browser
- Browser for Android Cool , Cool Browser is a new browser , fast , lightweight and free for devices running the Android operating system , the browser user experience and web surfing easier with super fast speed . You can search , download and access social networks and gaming easy and fast dogs
- Version: 1.6
- Capacity: 1,8 MB
- Request: Android 4.0 trở lên
- Search More: Cool Browser , lightweight web browser
- FREE Free
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Automatic Call Recorder for Android 4:26 - Automatic call recording on Android
- Publisher: Appliqato
- Automatic Call Recorder for Android , Android s Automatic Call Recorder for call recording applications most efficiently with more than 50 million users worldwide.
- Version: 4.26
- Capacity: 40 MB
- Request: Android 2.3 and up
- Search More: Auto Call Recorder, Automatic call recording
- FREE Free
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Mocha Messenger for Android 2.5.0 - Newly Free chat while listening to music on Android
- Publisher: Viettel
- Messenger for Android Mocha , Mocha Messenger not only allows users to send messages , pictures , recordings , but also can use the feature
- Version: 2.5.0
- Capacity: 9,2 MB
- Request: Android 2.3 trở lên
- Search More: Messenger for Android Mocha , Mocha download Messenger chat application
- FREE Free
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Gmail for Android - Use Gmail on Android
- Publisher: Google
- Gmail for Android , Google has updated the official Gmail app for the Android platform with many new features that help save battery life when used .
- Version: N/A
- Capacity: 16MB
- Request: Android
- Search More: Gmail , accessing Gmail on Android
- FREE Free
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GO SMS Pro for Android 5:47 - SMS Software for Android
- Publisher: GO Dev Team
- GO SMS Pro for Android , GO SMS Pro app is the Go Dev Team , gives users the experience of SMS / MMS quickness , convenience with cool interface .
- Version: 5.47
- Capacity: 8,9 MB
- Request: Android 1.6 or higher
- Search More: GO SMS Pro for Android 4.50, GO SMS Pro
- FREE Free
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Horoscope 2016 for Android 1.1 - Application horoscopes on Android
- Publisher: VAC
- Horoscope 2016 for Android , Desire to know the future destiny , personality itself is based on the star birth date , which is the familiar tastes of people, not only in the East but also in the West , not only in ancient times , today , but maybe tomorrow too.
- Version: 1.1
- Capacity: 59 MB
- Request: Android 4.0.3 trở lên
- Search More: horoscopes , Applications horoscopes
- FREE Free
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