DriverMax support users to download the latest driver updates for your computer. Now they do not need to spend much time searching for rare drivers on discs or web or inserting one installation CD. Just create a free account, log in and start downloading the updates you need.
With scanning speeds and driver search prompt, DriverMax will display the correct information regarding the driver-related computer and operating system being used, enabling users to choose the most suitable driver for your computer himself. In addition, you can export all your current drivers to a folder or a compressed file. After reinstalling Windows you will have everything stored in one place.
Most of the situations when Windows is running slow again occur as a result of driver installation errors. Windows usually save all older versions of drivers just in case you want to return to its original state. Sometimes, it replaces the older version with the new driver. Export Wizard will only export the drivers you select by copying the needed files to a ZIP file.
Download DriverMax - Backup and recovery quick driver.
Besides, DriverMax also owns an intuitive interface with navigation buttons similar to those in Microsoft Word 2013. The main menu will provide the ability to access information and driver downloads, backup and recovery process retrieval, scan driver, a data set and hardware quickly.
Download DriveMax - Support for search and install the driver automatically.
Download drivers and displays information
When the scan driver, the software will browse your computer to find out all available drivers and displays the results for both obsolete and the latest version is already installed. It also considered the missing driver and hardware unknown.
The information will include: name, version, and release date. In addition, the device also displays the name, device type and manufacturer. The replacement driver for the selected device can be tested on the developer's website.
Driver needed for your computer, and displays the information on which driver you see.
A driver will be downloaded with one click. Although the tool does not provide relevant options, but it can create a list containing multiple drivers to be downloaded. DriverMax will instantly install one or more drivers are selected (or all the downloaded).However, before you create a system restore point to go back to the original settings if Windows started having a few problems after having a few new changes, the process of restarting the system is are necessary to complete the driver installation process.Luckily, this app does not do this automatically, so you do not fear risk of losing data is not saved.
Backup and recovery driver
This application is equipped with the necessary functions to help users create backups of your drivers and restore them at any time when unfortunately encountered some issues related to compatibility with the operating system. This method is sometimes more efficient than creating a system restore point. Users can select all drivers or just the ones that they are planning to update, specify the file name and directory, then create a backup in the form of a ZIP file. They will be tested in another panel that is provided in the tool.
Interface backup and restore drivers.
One other method of recovery that put the driver back on the older version. It allows users to restore a driver in a single environment without affecting anything on the computer. DriverMax also lists the system restore point. However, this feature does not differ much from the center recovery of Windows.
Provide common hardware
Hardware This section does not contain any statement concerning DriverMax. Instead, it displays four buttons that launch site developers to identify the best hardware for Windows based on the Windows Experience Index , video adapter favorites, processors and manufacturers as well as information Details concerning the performance ratings and comparisons in case you intend to buy a new system.
Common hardware interface.
The main menu has a function that's more data download computer for each hardware component, based on the Windows Experience Index.
Setup program
This app will automatically check for updates by default. Users can determine the frequency of updates and set of tools to check the selected drivers. It will display a message from the system tray when new updates are found or after a successful download and automatically launch with Windows. Any public option can also be disabled with transitional animations. The settings can be reset by default.
You can change some settings in the UI Settings app.
Overall, DriverMax interface very user friendly, supports detection and driver installation very quickly. Therefore, DriverMax increasingly gained numerous users.
This app is compatible with the Windows operating system from XP to version 8.1 (both 32 and 64 bit). It works smoothly during the test, while using very little CPU and RAM.
The intuitive interface and rich options help even inexperienced users can easily work with the tool.
Although these features can be easily found by anyone, but no one program will be complete without the help documentation. Most tasks need more time to load drivers, install them or create backups.
Thus, whether you often reinstall operating systems or just want to maintain the performance of Windows, DriverMax offers simple solutions, such as automatic detection of outdated drivers, looking version Latest online and instantly install them.