English English Software Tooltip now renamed Ettip, giving users learning English method really effective, help forge good skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Ettip optimize study time vocabulary, and listening, to avoid losing time on the vocabulary of or have heard all heard before.Furthermore, the limited amount of vocabulary, reading will learn and repeat the process of learning a systematic way.
Even Ettip also know that users have to remember or pronounce words or not? Having heard all understand or read? to choose words or other readings to suit the learner's ability. Ettip also scores by statistical skills that you have gained by day, week, month and quarter, by which you will know you are strong or weak skills are. In this latest version has much better function, improved methods of learning, better user interface and handled very smoothly.
- Methods of study: Synthesis of many methods effective learning in English, is widely accepted students.
- Learn vocabulary: Combining vocabulary with illustrations and example sentences, international transliteration and how you pronounce that word.
- Train Reading: Combining the new definition since, attention prepositions, sentence structure, adding new words, phrases and add more examples of phrases.
- Listening: A combination of reading, finding new words, listen to pronunciations of the new machine, then start listening to the degree of difficulty is increased.
- Pronunciation: Built based on the international phonetic symbols (IPA) and voice recognition technology of Microsoft (Speech Recognition).
- Diverse data sources: Can data compilation for himself or use the data set was compiled carefully.
Step 1: Get to know
You will choose the vocabulary, reading that you want to study:
- Vocabulary: Reading examples and see the meaning of words is.
- Reading: Reading the contents of such readings.
Step 2: Train
Using the vocabulary or reading you were acquainted, then launched the game is quite easy for you to practice the skills at a basic level. At this stage you have to earn , "Xu", "life-force" and point "experience" to be able to go forward in step 3.
Step 3: Challenge
Using the vocabulary, reading that you were familiar, then challenges Ettip given is 4 screens, each screen can play 17 challenging pack is locked and an award package after you pass 17 pack challenge.
Requires installation: Install .Net Framework 4.5 before use.
It is repeated systematically and combined with games, lively articles will bring you comfort, lightness and efficiency while learning English.
More information about Ettip
Step 1: You select words that you want to study.
- If you want to work, learn English, they may choose to become familiar vocabulary through function "Reminder".
- If you want to focus the use of function "Example" to get familiar vocabulary.
Step 2: Train the vocabulary that you have chosen, will help you remember the face Ettip from, for example, and can pronounce words through this game.
- Me vocabulary: Helps you remember the face from an easy, easy level, you can rely on transcriptions and hear pronunciations of words to guess this vocabulary.
- Pairing question: Helps you remember an example sentence.
- Pronunciation: How to pronounce freely best practice today. Timekeeper quite difficult requiring you to hit the right tone, not lack of negative final reading, read aloud, clearly and use this function in a quiet environment.
Step 3: Join the challenge, still use the word you chose. The challenge is designed to help users interact to many different components of vocabulary.
- Choose the right image: Helping hand from memory and meaning, interpretation a more intuitive way through illustrations.
- Quiz: Helping cache or interpret meaning of vocabulary.
- Pairing words: This is a combination of words with examples and illustrations, will help you to have an overview of this vocabulary in a specific context.
- Complete example: Helps you read, remember the example sentences and more focused on the world of the sentence.
- Search tags right: Helps you focus more on how to use words in sentences.
Step 1: You want to hear selected readings. Please read and understand the readings, noting the new words. Here you can see and hear that sound from this new generator.
Step 2: Listening with selected readings. You will be trained to follow method to record what you hear, of course, no need to write correctly all that just 30% correct record content readings.
Difficulty level increases when you do the right thing all heard many times, but you do not worry because if faintly hear words but do not know how to write, just write enough the first 3 characters, then Ettip would suggest That standard vocabulary. It is best to listen to one sentence, and then press "Pause" again to write or rewind to hear the sentence was read.
Step 3: Challenge listening to the readings you selected.
- Listen and choose from: Help cursory listen vocabulary, vocabulary will be randomly punched in a different position when you listen to and the difficulty will increase as you get it right.
- Listen and fill from: Helping listen and rewrite a few words in the listening. The vocabulary will be randomly punched in a different position when you listen to and the difficulty will increase as you get it right.
- Listen and write back: This is the best way for you to listening effectively and quickly.
After listening to Ettip you'll notice their listening skills have improved a lot there. Keep working hard to improve the English proficiency of yourselves!