Home4English software product is due to the company building the Global Education Research and development for all students wishing to learn English to use but do not have time, online learning conditions can be downloaded to your computer.
Home4English designed compact, professional and integrated the lesson content is taken from the weekly lessons in conversational English program helps students can easily learn offline. System integration software development lessons to complete the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. With ample documentation system, users will improve their English skills without costly at the center. Supports multiple conversations with multiple lessons basic theme in conversation, listen and practice with the characters to participate directly in the talks.
Home4English provide many exercises after each lesson from the simple to the complex and for those students just starting and is suitable for all levels; each lesson can be heard every line in all English examples, tools and memorizing vocabulary homework tools.
- Provide exercises attractive features.
- Manage automatic lessons.
- Update lesson can help users live updates of the latest daily lessons.
- Supports a variety of lesson content.
- Information supporting learning, promotion, mobile banner ads.
- Automatically find the backup folder daily lessons, the user can freely choose lesson.
- ICARD school card: online learning system continuously tags updated Global Education.