Viber - Make calls, send messages, send free and confidential files on the computer
Viber for PC is a chat application, calling, free messaging most popular in Vietnam.Especially, in the latest update Viber allowed to share files on your computer, like group chat messages, delete messages within a conversation.
Download Viber for PC - Messaging app, free phone calls.
Moreover, Viber for PC also supports many unique emoticons, making you comfortable showing their emotions in conversations with friends and loved ones!
For Viber for Windows, the application will have some similarities with the Skype features such as phone calls, video chatting, asynchronous messaging between devices throughout the mobile run many different platforms. However, other than Skype , Viber does not support the group call , or users can not make video calls between phones with the phone. However now you can use a Windows computer to call relatives are smartphones with built-Viber.
Update feature in the free messaging app Viber for PC 6.1.0
Optional information chat interface 1-1:
- Photo Gallery: Show all images and videos sent in a conversation.
- File: Show all files sent during conversation.
- Link: Show all links sent in a conversation.
- Group members: Displays all group members in the conversation.
- Clear conversations: Remove conversation from all devices.
Adding a group chat interface information:
- Sound Off group: Turn off notifications on the computer group.
- Left the group and delete the group: Just left the group and delete the conversation from your device.
Encrypt Message:
Endpoint encryption features to help user's conversation is more secure. To use this feature both 2 users must update to the latest version. Then, click the padlock icon in the chat window.
Endpoint encryption feature ensures privacy for conversation.
Viber for PC allowed to send files, receive files easily.
From version 6.0 upwards Viber, users can update manually: When a new version Viber will appear yellow exclamation icon in the gear icon , click on it and click Update Now to upgrade rather than self as before the upgrade.
Viber recently released feature Public Instant helps users easily share, track, explore unlimited information. When you use Viber you can make calls to any Viber users around the globe, with excellent call quality and totally free. Therefore Viber has captured the sentiment of the majority of users.
Download Viber
Key features of the app Viber on PC
- Best supporting calls with HD quality.
- Support for video calls.
- Send messages, images, text free.
- Group chat.
- No registration, password or requests.
- Contacts and synchronize messages between the mobile phone and your computer.
- Continuous call transfer between devices.
Viber support like group chat messages.
Viber for Windows also supports asynchronous conversations on mobile devices do you connect with your loved ones anytime, anywhere. Viber is where you freely express your feelings without worrying about interrupting the connection, and can search for new friends easily.
Viber for PC download - Delete messages within a conversation.
Viber for PC Experience
- You can change the language in the menu Viber for PC Tools> Change Language as shown below:
- To change the background, you choose Settings> Backgrounds Gallery as shown below:
- New Sticker:
To disable the feature to save chat history on Viber then in the main interface of the program, click on the tag Tools and select Options.
Then, at the tag Basics you uncheck the box selected in the Save messages khi exiting a conversation history. Then click on OK to close the window.
Viber is a multi-platform app, available on the mobile device and operating system on the Mac . So you can switch between multiple devices repeatedly. You can answer the call and view your chat history on any device. Synchronize contacts with your mobile phone to the you click on someone in the address list that you can start talking.
Evaluation of software on your computer Viber
Overall, Viber for PC is easy to use even novice users can also sign up viber, viber create accounts quickly to g Everyone on electricity and send free messages to other Viber users anytime, anywhere on any device.
Advantages of Viber for PC:
- HD-quality video calling.
- Send free text messages.
- S tickers diverse and abundant.
- H OAT stable, compatible with multiple versions of Windows.
Disadvantages of Viber for PC:
- An Internet connection can be used.