Free RAR Extract Frog supports decompressing RAR files available on your computer quickly and efficiently. This is a compact application that contains full-featured but needed to compress and decompress files.
Free's outstanding features RAR Extract Frog 5:50 :
- Improved performance decompress RAR files.
Usage is extremely simple, t prosper main tool has 4 buttons: About, Links, Thanks and Appreciation. The way the program works is very simple, supports drag and drop files, users simply drag and drop any one compressed file into the main interface, the program will automatically extract the files inside and put into one folder of the same name next to the original compressed file, the process takes place out quickly and accurately.
Free RAR Extract Frog extracts RAR archive files. RAR files aren't uncommon, but some ZIP tools don't handle the format; even if they do, it's often quicker and easier to use a tool like Free RAR Extract Frog. Files can be added by browsing, drag-and-drop, or right-clicking and selecting Extract on context menus. Though basic, Free RAR Extract Frog includes useful options like passwords and skins.
UnRAR: Free RAR Extract Frog uses an easy, three-step process to "unRAR" or extract RAR archives to the same folder as the RAR archive or a folder of your choice.
Passwords: We could enter a default password for encrypted files or set the app to try to open encrypted files using a customizable password list.
Options: Other options include the ability to create new subfolders for each extracted archive, interface languages, always-on-top, and wizard and dialog behavior.
One-trick frog: Though it does its job well and with some useful options, extracting RAR files is all Free RAR Extract Frog does, making it hard to justify if your default compression tool extracts RAR files, too (although the password options tilts the balance back toward Free RAR Extract Frog).
Bottom Line
Sometimes the simplest solution is best. More complicated compression and archiving solutions are available, but if you really just need to "unRAR" some RAR archives, it's hard to imagine an easier-to-use tool than Free RAR Extract Frog.
Free RAR Extract Frog download - Extract the RAR files quickly.
You can start to extract a RAR file by drag and drop, double click or shell integrated context menu. To speed up the process of unpacking, Free RAR Extract has the option to define a default output folder or a default password or both. You can also change the overall look of the program by simply dropping a JPG image on the image of the frog above the short instructions section.
Free RAR Extract Frog download - Extract multiple files simultaneously.
Some key features of Free RAR Extract Frog:
- Extract the RAR files are compressed by WinRAR very easily.
- Unzip the file simultaneously.
- Support drag, drop the file.
- Decompress the compressed file is encrypted.
- The default password set to open compressed files completely locked.
Review - Free RAR Extract Review of Frog: Extract the RAR files quickly
Overall, Free RAR Extract Frog help you decompress RAR files very quickly, especially not slow down the system when dealing with large files.
- Rapid decompression speed.
- Without prejudice compressed data inside.
- User-friendly interface, very easy to use.
- Is a completely free software.
- No.